Why we Optimize and Secure WordPress

Optimization and security for any WordPress blog or website is most important. Google is updating SEO strategy on every month or 6 months. You have a blog or website then you should update your website. You have a blog with lots of good articles but the user is faced with speed and design problem than 20% to 30% user will never return on your website or blog. WordPress offers a good SEO strategy and options for every user.


Your website should optimize in proper way. Optimization means you should work on the following things:

  1. Website should have optimized css and Javascript. CSS and Javascript should be minifying according to google page speed criteria.
  2. Image should be optimized and image should have width and height attribute with alt and title attributes.
  3. Images should be bound in one like search icon, map icon, Social Media icon in one image. So you can use background position for these images.
  4. Files should be compressed.
  5. Caching should be enable.


  1. WordPress admin url should be change like http://exaxmple.com/myadmin etc. So no one can guess you admin login url.
  2. Password and user name should be unique.

The most important thing is upgrading your WordPress. You should update your WordPress and Plugin on regular bases.